We're so excitied for your kids to be at Adventure!
Adventure is our new kids program on Friday afternoons from 4:45pm to 6:30pm for yr3-6 kids!
Please fill in this last form for your kids so we have all the right information to best care for them.
Tip: Please fill in according to the grade they are in this year.
I understand that photos and videos will be taken as part of the activities at St Stephen's Normanhurst and that these photos and videos may be used by St Stephen's Normanhurst for promotional purposes.
I understand that there may be occasions that Kenley Park (directly across the road from St Stephen's Normanhurst) will be used for supervised activities. I give permission for my kids to cross Kenley Road under full leader supervision to use these facilities.
I understand that the personal information collected by this form will be treated confidentially and will be used in accordance with the terms of St Stephen's Normanhurst's privacy policy. If you wish to access your personal information or have any queries to the manner in which we handle it then please don't hesitate to contact the church office here.
By choosing to submit this form you are agreeing to the above conditions for all kids contained within this registration form.